Evaluation of Direct Liquid Application of Salt Brine vs Granular Salt as Measured through Various Performance and Safety Metrics


Progressively, winter maintenance strategies have been shifting to include salt brine as part of the standard anti-icing / deicing process. Studies have successfully shown the benefit of using salt brine, usually in terms of cost savings and environmental improvement, but public perception exists that salt brine use is less efficient and less safe for the traveling public compared to traditional use of granular salt.


The goal of this project is to collect and synthesize available information about the differences between the Direct Liquid Application (DLA) of salt brine (mixed with any one of up to three different additives applied as recommended depending on the situation) and the application of granular salt as reflected in various performance and safety metrics.

Expected Results

Project findings will identify three to five performance measures for the DLA of salt brine as compared to the application of granular salt. These measures will focus on impacts to the traveling public and might include air / pavement temperature, time to bare / wet pavement, friction / grip rating, speed recovery and other safety-related measures. In addition to a report, an infographic that produces a visually compelling, concise presentation of key project findings in a one- to three-page communication product will be produced.