The Clear Roads Research Program

brings together transportation professionals and researchers from around the country to drive innovation in the field of winter maintenance. By evaluating materials, equipment and methods in real-world conditions, the program identifies the most effective techniques and technologies to save agencies money, improve safety and increase efficiency.

New Podcast Episode of Talkin’ Winter Ops

The newest episode of AASHTO’s Talkin’ Winter Ops podcast is all about Clear Roads!

New Clear Roads Research: Tools to Maximize Snowplowing Efforts

This Clear Roads project developed a methodology for calculating plow cycle times considering road type, road width, weather conditions, traffic volume, and other factors. This could form the basis for a map-based visualization tool that agencies can format with their own electronic data to make real-time operational decisions.

New Clear Roads Research: Identifying Environmentally Sensitive Roadways

To help agencies identify which highway segments are most sensitive, this Clear Roads project developed a geospatial tool that offers an analysis of environmental impacts that can be balanced against other safety and performance objectives.

New Clear Roads Research: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Deicers

This Clear Roads project identified equipment improvements and refinements to the mechanical rocker test, giving agencies a more accurate tool for evaluating deicer performance.

Electric Vehicle Technologies and Alternative Fuels for Winter Road Operations

Interviews with 13 state DOTs and others in government, as well as vehicle and fuel system manufacturers, informed this synthesis … Read more

High Performance Blade Evaluation

New tools—including a testing protocol and quick reference guide—aim to help agencies compare the costs and variables of different plow … Read more

Corrosion and Connectors Don’t Mix

This synthesis project used a survey of winter maintenance professionals and a review of relevant literature to gather information that … Read more

New Podcast Episode of Talkin’ Winter Ops

The newest episode of AASHTO’s Talkin’ Winter Ops podcast is all about Clear Roads!

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup

Check out the recent research from transportation organizations around the country.

Entry-Level CDL Training Materials

A new federal rule is changing how transportation agencies train equipment operators who need to obtain or upgrade a commercial … Read more