Winter Maintenance Research Roundup
Check out these recent reports and in-progress projects from agencies around the country:
- Weather Event Reconstruction and Analysis Tool, Clear Roads Project 16-05, January 2020: A web-based tool that gathers online weather data from multiple sources into a single comprehensive report for a specific location and time. Final report and research brief.
- Correlation Analysis of MDSS and NEWINS, Nebraska DOT, April 2020. Research report.
- Research in Progress: Snowplow Operations Management System, Texas DOT. Project description.
- Research in Progress: Evaluation of Fatigue on Snow Plow Drivers and of Aids to Assist Drivers in Recognizing and Dealing with Fatigue, Minnesota DOT. Project page.
- Research in Progress: Effect of Deicing Agents and Environmental Conditions on Performance of Asphalt Pavements in Cold Regions, Mountain-Plains Consortium. Project description.