New RFPs: Proposals Due Sept. 14
Clear Roads is currently soliciting investigator proposals for five new research projects:
- Entry-Level Driver Training (CDL) for Maintenance Equipment Operators
- Understanding the NaCl Phase Diagram
- Expanded Use of AVL/GPS Technology
- Using GIS to Highlight Highway Segments Sensitive to Deicing Materials
- Salt Shed Design Template

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup

- Weather Event Reconstruction and Analysis Tool, Clear Roads Project 16-05, January 2020: A web-based tool that gathers online weather data from multiple sources into a single comprehensive report for a specific location and time. Final report and research brief.
- Correlation Analysis of MDSS and NEWINS, Nebraska DOT, April 2020. Research report.
- Research in Progress: Snowplow Operations Management System, Texas DOT. Project description.
- Research in Progress: Evaluation of Fatigue on Snow Plow Drivers and of Aids to Assist Drivers in Recognizing and Dealing with Fatigue, Minnesota DOT. Project page.
- Research in Progress: Effect of Deicing Agents and Environmental Conditions on Performance of Asphalt Pavements in Cold Regions, Mountain-Plains Consortium. Project description.

Clear Roads Selects 2020 Research Projects

- Entry-Level Commercial Driver Training
- Understanding the NaCl Phase Diagram
- Indoor Automated Stockpile Measurement
- Expanded Use of AVL/GPS Technology
- Using GIS to Highlight Highway Segments Sensitive to Deicing Materials
- Salt Shed Design Template
- AWSSI Enhancements, Phase 2 (continuation of Project 16-02)

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup

- Research in Progress: Road Salt Impact Assessment, Maine DOT. Project description.
- Research in Progress: Promoting the Adoption of Snow Fences Through Landowner Engagement, Minnesota DOT. Project description.
- Expanding Landowner Adoption of Snow Control Measures Through a Better Understanding of Landowner Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices, Minnesota DOT, January 2020. Project page.
- Iowa DOT Office of Maintenance Snowplow Optimization, Iowa DOT, February 2020. Project page.
- Biomimetic Antifreeze Molecules: A Novel Solution to Deicing Salts and Air-Entraining Admixtures, NCHRP IDEA Program, December 2019. Research report.
- In “Asleep at the Wheel—Fighting Driver Fatigue,” Director of the Cornell LTAP Dave Orr discusses the latest research and guidance for state DOTs. April 2020. Podcast.
- In “Nordic Experiences,” Clear Roads TAC Chair James Morin compares the approaches that Washington State DOT and the Norwegian Road Authority take to winter maintenance. March 2020. Podcast.

Research Roundup – Winter Maintenance at the TRB Annual Meeting

National Survey Compiles Five Years of Winter Maintenance Data

MnDOT Shares Training Resources on Sustainable Salt Use

- Equipment training, including training videos on spreader operation and fabrication instructions for salt chutes and air foils.
- Calibration of spreaders and liquid application equipment.
- Decision-making, including using maintenance decision support systems (MDSS) and selecting materials and methods.
- Material handling and storage.

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup

- Improve and Gain Efficiency in Winter Operations, Indiana DOT. Project description.
- Evaluation of Slurry Box, Underbody Scraper, and Two-Way Reversible Plow, Minnesota DOT. Project page.
- Weather-Responsive Management Strategies, Texas DOT. Project page.
- Reducing Uncertainties in Snow Fence Design: Development of Methods for Estimation of Snow Drifting and the Snow Relocation Coefficient, Iowa DOT. Project description.
Guidelines for Using Photogrammetric Tools on Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Support the Rapid Monitoring of Avalanche-Prone Roadside Environments, Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium. Project page.

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup
Check out these recent reports from agencies around the country:

Update of the Class 8 Truck Study, Utah DOT, October 2019. Research report.
Road Weather and Creative Safety Messaging on Dynamic Message Signs, Minnesota DOT, October 2019. Research report.
Validation of the Mechanical Rocker Test Method for Ice Melting Capacity (MRT-IMC), Nebraska DOT, 2019. Research report.
Brine Application Equipment and Methodology, Caltrans, January 2019. Research report.

Call for Presentations: 2020 International Road Weather and Winter Maintenance Conference & Peer Exchange