Winter Maintenance Research Roundup
Check out these recent reports from agencies around the country:

Synthesis of Safety Applications in Winter Weather Operations, Texas DOT, November 2019. Research report.
Relationships Between Weather and Roadway Safety, Iowa DOT, September 2019. Research report.
Modeling the Macroscopic Effects of Winter Maintenance Operations on Traffic Mobility on Washington Highways, Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education, September 2019. Research report.
Cost-Effectiveness of Constructing Minimal Shelter to Store INDOT Equipment (Weather Protection), Indiana DOT, February 2019. Research report.

Save the Date: 2020 Pacific Northwest Snowfighters Conference

- TRB Annual Meeting (January 12-16, Washington, DC)
- APWA Snow Conference (April 19-22, Cleveland, Ohio)
- National Winter Maintenance Peer Exchange (week of September 21, Atlanta)

Clear Roads Training Materials Featured in APWA Reporter

- Video training on plowing intersections and interchanges
- Video training on using liquids for anti-icing and deicing
- Snowplow Operator and Supervisor Training: 22 customizable instructor-led training modules

Winter Maintenance Research Roundup

- NCHRP Research Report 889: Performance Measures in Snow and Ice Control Operations, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2019. Research report.
- Snow and Ice Control Performance Measurement: Comparing “Grip,” Traffic Speed Distributions and Safety Outcomes During Winter Storms, Vermont Agency of Transportation, April 2019. Research report.
- Bio-Based Renewable Additives for Anti-Icing Applications (Phase II), Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates, January 2019. Research report.
- Evaluating Potential Effects of Deicing Salts on Roadside Carbon Sequestration, Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates, January 2019. Research report.

Important Update on Clear Roads QPL

News and Updates: September 2019
Clear Roads members are heading to Burlington, Vermont, next week for the group’s fall meeting, where they will review investigator proposals for 2019 projects. Minutes will be posted on the Meetings page. In other news:
- Time is running out to submit presentation proposals for APWA’s 2020 North American Snow Conference (proposals due September 30) and Public Works Expo (proposals due October 14). More information.
- The SICOP Talks Winter Ops podcast recently kicked off its third season. This week’s episode features Laura Fay, research scientist with the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University.

Save the Date: 2020 Winter Maintenance Peer Exchange

New RFPs: Proposals due Sept. 6
Clear Roads is currently soliciting investigator proposals for five new research projects:
- Expanding Application Rate Guidance for Salt Brine Blends for Direct Liquid Application and Anti-Icing
- Measuring the Efficiencies of Tow Plows and Wing Plows
- Recruitment and Retention of Highway Maintenance Workers
- Synthesis of Technical Requirements and Considerations for an Automated Snowplow Route Optimization RFP Template
- Comparison of Performance of Traditional Chain Conveyor Spreader and Auger-Driven Spreader for Distributing Prewet Salt

Clear Roads Now Overseeing Qualified Products List (QPL)

Clear Roads Selects 2019 Research Projects

- Expanding Brine Recipes and Their Use
- Synthesis: Retention and Recruitment of Highway Maintenance Workers
- Comparison of Performance of Prewet Road Salt Distributed by Traditional Chain Conveyor Spreader vs. Auger-Driven Slurry Spreader
- Measuring the Efficiencies of Tow/Wing Plows
- Specifications for Automated Snowplow Route Optimization